Tuesday, 16 August 2011


I bought my first Docs in Spring Street, SOHO, New York City. It was a miserable day, raining and freezing, typical February New York weather. The store was warm and alive with a rad saleswoman singing as loud as she could to the song that was playing. I walked out of the store with a nice big bag, back into the rain, a very happy chappy. Although I haven't had them for long, they have a special place on my shoe rack for a very, very long time.

Totally in love with the new Docs campaign, envisioning memories of people's "first's," whether it be first love, first job, or first bowl cut we ever had. Dr Martens, however, are hoping that your first Doc purchase was one to remember.

Oh! and did I mention Aggy's back! The girl that was probably born with Docs on her feet, seems quite the good candidate when it comes to doing this very special campaign for them. Major thumbs up!

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